Sunday, August 10, 2008

Horsetooth Reservoir 2.4 mile swim!

We interrupt our presentation of photos from our trip this summer to share photos from this mornings events. Earlier today a group of us swam a 4K race up in Fort Collins, Colorado at the Horsetooth Reservoir. Last year I learned about this race and proposed to a couple of friends to give it a go this summer. Trisha, a good friend all the way back from Irvine High and UCSB was able to plan a trip (which included a surprise engagement from her boyfriend the day before the race!) around this race. Also, was a friend from Boulder, Teresa. So beginning at the end of spring, we hopped in the pool and began our training!

It was a great race, beginning at 7am, the water temperature was 73 degrees, the water was so clear (especially compared to the boulder rez).

Here are some photos from the event! Click on the slideshow to see it in bigger format

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