We have mastered the craigslist search for great house remodel deals, but we tend to take about a year to use these great finds, the most recent being some tiling, a business I think would be fun to do. We found these glass tile sheets on craigslist last year and have been meaning to put them up as a back splash, but one thing led to another, which led to fourteen months, and voila a leisurely weekend (i.e. no snow in weeks on the slopes) we got em' up! It has totally transformed the look of the kitchen, we love it, if you are looking for a simple way to improve your kitchen, poke around craigslist for glass tiles, you'll love em'....if it fits your taste!
p.s. Andy aren't you proud, grrrr!
1 comment:
WOW! Looks awesome!!! Way to go! I still have projects to do...and sadly, some are going to be longer than 14 months later. Ha, yikes! Kudos to you! Hope you are doing well!
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